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Alt 13.11.16, 08:39
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TomS TomS ist offline
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Dann würde die Stringtheorie als hintergrundabhängige Theorie aber ausscheiden, oder?
Zumindest ist man sich im wesentlichen einig, dass genau das ein erhebliches Defizit der Theorie ist.

David Gross, einer herausragenden Physiker des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, Nobelpreisträger und einer der Pioniere der Stringtheorie in den achtziger Jahren hat den Eröffnungsvortrag zur Konferenz Strings 2009 gehalten. Aus den Folien:

Our present understanding of string theory has been restricted to perturbative treatments. Does this perturbation theory converge? Most likely it does not. In that case when does it give a reliable asympototic expansion of physical quantities? How can one go beyond perturbation theory and what is the nature of nonperturbative string dynamics? This question is particularly difficult since we currently lack a useful nonperturbative formulation of the theory.

This is a strange question since we clearly know what string theory is to the extent that we can construct the theory and calculate some of its properties. However our construction of the theory has proceeded in an ad hoc fashion, often producing, for apparently mysterious reasons, structures that appear miraculous. It is evident that we are far from fully understanding the deep symmetries and physical principles that must underlie these theories. It is hoped that the recent efforts to construct covariant second quantized string field theories will shed light on this crucial question.

What is the fundamental formulation of string theory?
Quantum Space of all 2-d field theories
Second Quantized Functionals of loops (SFT)
M-theory . . .
Is string theory a framework, not a theory?
What is missing?
Niels Bohr brainwashed a whole generation of theorists into thinking that the job (interpreting quantum theory) was done 50 years ago.

Ge?ndert von TomS (13.11.16 um 09:58 Uhr)
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