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Alt 10.12.17, 22:46
Hawkwind Hawkwind ist offline
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Standard AW: Alpha Zero schlägt Stockfish

Eine faszinierende Entwicklung! Ich hätte nie erwartet, dass Programme, die nicht auf der konventionellen Minmax-Alpha-Beta -Suche basieren, derart erfolgreich Schach spielen können. Und nicht nur Schach spielen!

BTW, es gibt allerdings Zweifel, ob das Match gegen Stockfish ganz "fair" war, denn - wie man liest - spielte Stockfish ohne Eröffnungsbuch. Da konventionelle Schachprogramme im Grunde total deterministsich sind, kann ein lernendes Programm den Gegner immer wieder in ungünstige Varianten locken. Ein gutes und variantenreiches Eröffnungsbuch würde die Züge von Stockfish weniger "ausrechenbar" zu machen.

Schach-Großmeister und Computerschach-"Veteran" Larry Kaufman hatte das kritisiert
"It is of course rather incredible, he said. "Although after I heard about the achievements of AlphaGo Zero in Go I was rather expecting something like this, especially since the team has a chess master, Demis Hassabis. What isn't yet clear is whether AlphaZero could play chess on normal PCs and if so how strong it would be. It may well be that the current dominance of minimax chess engines may be at an end, but it's too soon to say so. It should be pointed out that AlphaZero had effectively built its own opening book, so a fairer run would be against a top engine using a good opening book."
BTW, das Schachprogramm M-Chess von Marty Hirsch nutzte in den 90ern diesen "Trick" über ein recht simples Book-Learning, um sich im Spiel gegen andere Prgramme an die Spitze der Ratingliste zu setzen. Aus der Beschreibung von M-Chess

Some sets of heuristics are employed to decide which moves to add to the opening book, and which to delete from it. Moves are deleted when the score just out of book is not too high, and the score later in the game is worse. Moves are added when the score just out of book is not too low, and the score later in the game is satisfactory. A further pre-condition for moves that may be added to the opening book is that the increase in score has been mainly monotonic. If this condition is not met, a future game may enable better moves to be found due to the general learning. In other words, only the best moves the program is able to discover (at a given level) are added to the opening book. Different thresholds are applied for the storage and deletion of moves for White and Black.

Aber es ist eigentlich auch wurscht, ob AlphaZero Stockfish nun total dominiert oder nicht.
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