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Alt 26.09.18, 21:40
Hawkwind Hawkwind ist offline
Registriert seit: 22.07.2010
Ort: Rabenstein, Niederösterreich
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Zitat von TomS Beitrag anzeigen

In Hawking’s Berechnungen treten Paare von Teilchen auf. Der wesentliche Fehler ist, dies bald Paare virtueller Teilchen zu bezeichnen.
Hawking selbst sah das wohl nicht so eng wie du:
Zitat von Hawking
These particles are called virtual because unlike real particles they cannot be observed directly with a particle detector. Their indirect effects can nonetheless be measured, and their existence has been confirmed by a small shift, called the Lamb shift, which they produce in the spectrum energy of light from excited hydrogen atoms. Now in the presence of a black hole, one member of a pair of virtual particles may fall into the hole, leaving the other member without a partner with which to annihilate. The forsaken particle or antiparticle may fall into the black hole after its partner, but it may also escape to infinity, where it appears to be radiation emitted by the black hole.
aus "Stephen Hawking’s second Reith lecture"
siehe z.B. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/bsp/h...th_shukman.pdf
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