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Standard AW: MiniBooNE - deutliche Hinweise auf eine Physik jenseits des Standardmodells

Zitat von Bernhard Beitrag anzeigen
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MiniBooNEm Wikipedia

Dort wurden mit einem sigma von 4,8 bzw. 6,1 sterile Neutrinos nachgewiesen.

Sterile (rechtshändige) Neutrinos bilden mMn einen interessanten Kandidaten für Dunkle Materie und damit auch eine interessante Erklärung für das bekannte astrophysikalische Thema.
Die Situation ist wohl nicht so ganz klar. Wenn ich recht verstehe, sind die Beobachtungen eher "indirekt" und modellabhängig.
Siehe z.B. Abschnitt "Conclusions" in
Where Are We With Light Sterile Neutrinos?

In conclusion, this paper has provided a snapshot of where we are at in exploring the question of the existence of light sterile neutrinos, especially through accelerator and reactor experiments. The picture is far from clear.
Anomalies have been observed in a set of short-baseline experiments. Introducing an additional, mostly sterile mass state to explain this provides an improvement of > 5σ, which is highly improbable as an accidental improvement. We find that adding additional sterile neutrinos to the model yields only a modest 1.6σ improvement over the 3+1 model. On the other hand, introducing decay of the fourth mass state, which can reduce tension
with cosmological measurements, leads to a larger 2.6σ improvement with respect to a 3+1 model. We note that the decay model tested only has decays to new invisible particles, and that decays from the fourth state to active neutrinos is likely to produce further improvement.

The data are clearly indicating that something is missing from the model, and that what is missing takes a form similar to a model of 3+1+Decay. However, any model that explains the results must be self-consistent.
... eine spannende Baustelle.
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